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자격증과정 [테솔컬리지 원어민 수강 리얼 리뷰 #9] Why YL Tesol could be beneficial for EFL Teachers?

  • 작성자MonaLee
  • 작성일2021.08.21
  • 조회수32
  • 신고하기


테솔컬리지 테솔자격증 

- 짧게 자기소개 부탁드립니다. 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. ​Hi, I'm an EFL teacher in South Korea for roughly

around 11 years. I had a lot of different studies about teaching and

I still believe while the world is changing, and the generation is changing,

we as an educators should still be open for improvements, for learning. 

That's why, I brought myself up in learning the YL Tesol course.^^

- TESOL College의

YL TESOL 수업을 선택하게된 이유가 있으신가요? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. I've been watching this course for some years in social media,

and I've been seeing some interesting videos as to how the course is working.

I say I was amazed from that very time that I said I really want to give it a try.

And so when the time was right, I finally enrolled to the program.

I wasn't wrong about taking the course, as to everything

I want to learn as an EFL educator, is actually "in" here.

From the basic of teaching to how to run your own business.

Everything you need as a guide in teaching the Korean students is in the program. 

- 온라인44과정/66과정/오프라인과정중에

어떤 수업을 들으셨나요?

본인이 생각했을때 어떤부분이 제일 좋았나요?테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

​A. I decided to take the 66과정 as it has the

1 on 1 coaching part. I still believe in learning some tips

and "know how" from another more experienced instructor than me.

That's why, when I heared of the differences between the

44과정 and the 66과정, I hurridly took the 66 class.^^


- 첫 수업을 들었을 때 어떠셨나요? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. I wasn't wrong about taking the course.

When I first had my fist modules with teacher Erin,

I enjoyed how she talks, how she explains, and how she handles the class.

I even used directly a method from her that she mentioned in the course

to my physical class, and it was awesome.

My students liked it, and it was just, great!

Everything you have to know, the techniques,

the guide, all of these are in the course.

I say it is very helpful, most specially

if you are a beginner teacher of young learners.

- 가장 배우고 싶었던 수업은 무엇이며

어떤 수업이 가장 도움이 되었을까요? 

그 이유도 알려주세요!테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. I am always interested on how to teach really young learners.

Here comes the teaching with the songs,

with the books, with the fun educational stuffs that

go over with the games that are effected

in keeping what the students have to learn when

they take the class.


That's why, I want to see how the other methods

are working (here in South Korea for the South Korean learners).

And I think, teacher Erin and the course gave me

some of these things that I am looking for.

The course really improved what I know in teaching.

- 수업 때 배운 내용을

실제로 적용 해 본적 있으신가요? 

학습자들의 반응은 어땠나요? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. Earlier in my post, I mentioned about

a song method I got from teacher Erin.

Honestly, I want a class that is productive in

learning and also is fun for the students.

I agree to teacher Erin when she said,

a happy teacher makes the students and the class fun.

I no longer remember the song,

but there was a first song she introduced during the first part

of the modules that I used as an icebreaker and my class really enjoyed it! 

-  선생님의 TESOL College

수업 만족도는 몇 점이신가요? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. Overall, I am satisfied with the course.

I learned what I expected to learn from it,

so I recommend it to other instructors

who are interested in making their skills improve. 

-  TESOL College 수업을 준비하는

예비 수강생에게 드릴 꿀팁은? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

A. My only advice for them is to take the course well,

give some time to fully understand the course so they can

really use it in real life teaching.

- Tesol College의 YL TESOL을

수강 후 가장 크게 얻은 한가지는? 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

I really think it's the overall of the teaching techniques.

From how to do the basics to how to manage the class.

It's like learning everything from A to Z!


-  자격증 취득 후

내 미래는 어떻게 바뀔까요?

계획은 세워 봅시다. 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

After taking the course,

I think it's the different way of teaching and the

"better" way of teaching are I think what I will bring with me.

I mean, I know I have my own methodologies in teaching,

but in YL Tesol, teachers around are helping each other,

sharing their ideas, even teacher Erin, which I think is priceless.

We have the saying, "two heads are better than one",

and I think that's what I get in taking this course,

and what I think is I am grateful at.:)

-  마지막으로

수강소감 한마디 부탁드려요. 테솔컬리지 테솔자격증

Enjoy teaching! Have the passion with it.

If you do, you'll not think that educating students is a job,

but just a healing, a living, a lifestyle that you will enjoy doing!

Never stop learning! For you as an educator, and for your students!

Be happy, be blessed, always!;)

파일 아이콘첨부파일

