★★★★★★ Black Friday. 50% 할인 이벤트 11/26~11/28 단, 3일!!!! ★★★★★★★
Native speaker, 원어민교사, 교포, 영어실력도 upgrade하고 싶은 분
6주이내 자율수강 (유료 연장 가능)
59 만원
kids' tesol 교재무료, Teaching resources, Certification(conditional)
Intensive, Motivated, Easy & Fun, Focus on teaching for kids
과제 수행 완료 + 진도율(70%)이상 달성 시, 수료 판정
1. M1_Ch00_Introduction -
2. M1_Ch01_EIL,ESL,EFL 6분
3. M1_Ch02_Where Students Can Learn English and Reasons to Learn English 3분
4. M1_Ch03_ESL-EFL English Teaching Method 12분
5. M1_Ch04_Class Demonstration: Communication Language Teaching Method 9분
6. M2_Ch00_Introduction 1분
7. M2_Ch01_Principles of Development 8분
8. M2_Ch02_Language Development 2분
9. M2_Ch03_Theory of Language Development: Behaviorism 4분
10. M2_Ch04_Theory of Language Development: Naturalism 2분
11. M2_Ch05_Theory of Language Development: Cognitive Constructivism Cognitive Constructivism 6분
12. M2_Ch06_Theory of Language Development: Sociocultural Constructivism 3분
13. M2_Ch07_Second Language Acquisition Input Hypothesis 5분
14. M2_Ch08_Second Language Acquisition Interaction Contrast Hypothesis Output, Interaction, Contrast Analysis Hypothesis 5분
15. M2_Ch09_Characteristics of Young Learners 5분
16. M2_Ch10_Multi-Intelligence Theory 7분
17. M3 Ch01_Storytelling & Bark, George 9분
18. M3_Ch02_What is Storytelling 2분
19. M3_Ch03_Benefits of Storytelling 3분
20. M3_Ch04_Prep for Storytelling 3분
21. M3_Ch05_Storytelling Techniques 1 7분
22. M3_Ch06_Storytelling Techniques 2 3분
23. M3_Ch07_Nonverbal Techniques 2분
24. M3_Ch08_Additional Tips 3분
25. M3_Ch09_Story Selection 2분
26. M3_Ch10_Class Demonstration - Storytelling 12분
27. M4_Ch00_Introduction 2분
28. M4_Ch01_Music and Language development 2분
29. M4_Ch02_Benefits and Drawbacks of Songs and Chants 3분
30. M4_Ch03_When to Use Songs & Chants Within a Lesson 1분
31. M4_Ch04_How to Select Songs and Chants 1분
32. M4_Ch05_Song & Chant Prep and Application 4분
33. M4_Ch06_Days of the Week (Chant) 4분
34. M4_Ch07_Today is Monday (Story Song) 3분
35. M4_Ch08_Who Will Help (Beat Matching) 3분
36. M4_Ch09_Irregualar Verbs (Rap) 2분
37. M4_Ch10_Be Verb Song (Song) 2분
38. M4_Ch11_One Finger, One Thumb (Song) 3분
39. M4_Ch12_Two Little Black Birds (Nursury Rhyme) 3분
40. M4_Ch13_Class Demonstration 16분
41. M5_Ch00_Introduction 2분
42. M5_Ch01_Play and Child Development 7분
43. M5_Ch02_Role of Games in English Classes 2분
44. M5_Ch03_Board Games 2분
45. M5_Ch04_Dice Games 3분
46. M5_Ch05_Team-Based Games 1분
47. M5_Ch06_Guessing Games 2분
48. M5_Ch07_Action Games 2분
49. M5_Ch08_Card Games 2분
50. M5_Ch09_Vocaburary and Sentence Games 2분
51. M5_Ch10_Role-Playing Games 1분
52. M5_Ch11_Games and Activities in Class 7분
53. M6_Ch00_Introduction 1분
54. M6_Ch01_Preparing Class Content 4분
55. M6_Ch02_How to Teach the Selected Content 4분
56. M6_Ch03_Class Material 3분
57. M6_Ch04_Benefits of Lesson Plans 2분
58. M6_Ch05_Example of a Lesson Plan 3분
59. M6_Ch06_Lesson Plan - Outline/Overview 5분
60. M6_Ch07_Lesson Plan - Introduction 2분
61. M6_Ch08_Lesson Plan - Development: Present, Practice, Produce 3분
62. M6_Ch09_Lesson Plan - Development: Produce 2분
63. M6_Ch10_Class Evaluation 3분
64. M7_Ch01_Phonemic Awareness 3분
65. M7_Ch02_Phonological Awareness 3분
66. M7_Ch03_Word and Rhyme Awareness 3분
67. M7_Ch04_Sentence Awareness 2분
68. M7_Ch05_Syllable Awareness 3분
69. M7_Ch06_Phonemic Awareness 4분
70. M7_Ch07_Segmentation 1분
71. M7_Ch08_Identification, Categorizt\ation, Blending, and Isolation 3분
72. M7_Ch09_Deletion, Addition, and Manipulation 2분
73. M7_Ch10_Summary - Phonemic Awareness 4분
74. M8_Ch01_Introduction to Phonics 4분
75. M8_Ch02_Alphabet Recognition 3분
76. M8_Ch03_Alphabet Recognition Activities 1 4분
77. M8_Ch04_ Alphabet Recognition Activities 2 2분
78. M8_Ch05_Single Consonants 6분
79. M8_Ch06_Consonant Rules 7분
80. M8_Ch07_Class Demonstration - Consonants 3분
81. M8_Ch08_Single Vowels 3분
82. M8_Ch09_Vowel Rules 5분
83. M8_Ch10__Class Demonstration - Vowels 5분
84. M8_Ch11_Do's and Don'ts in a Phonics Class 4분
85. M8_Ch12_Class Demonstration - PA and Phonics 5분
86. M9_Ch01_ELT Textbooks 3분
87. M9_Ch02_Learning Aids - Material and Teaching Tools 3분
88. M9_Ch03_Things to Consider When Making Your Own Teaching Tools 2분
89. M9_Ch04_How to Make Your Own Teaching Tools 1분
90. M10_Ch01_Classroom Management 1분
91. M10_Ch02_English Classroom 3분
92. M10_Ch03_Classroom Seating Arrangements 4분
93. M10_Ch04_The Learning Environment 7분
94. M10_Ch05_Students 5분
95. M10_Ch06_How to Listen to Young Learners 4분
96. M10_Ch07_How to Speak to Young Learners 5분
97. M10_Ch08_Student Management 4분
98. M10_Ch09_Teachers 3분
99. M11_Ch01_History of Phonics 5분
100. M11_Ch02_Phonics Terms 5분
101. M11_Ch03_Sight Words 4분
102. M11_Ch04_Long Vowels: Silent 4분
103. M11_Ch05_Long Vowels: Diphthongs and Digraphs 4분
104. M11_Ch06_R-Controlled Vowels 3분
105. M11_Ch07_Double Consonants, Clusters, and Digraphs 4분
106. M11_Ch08_Class Demonstration - Digraph 'sh' 4분
107. M11_Ch09_Tips to Teach a Succesful Phonics Class 4분
108. M12_Ch01_Background for Literacy Education 3분
109. M12_Ch02_Eclectic Approach 4분
110. M12_Ch03_Characteristics of the Balanced Literacy Approach 2분
111. M12_Ch04_Stages of Balanced Literacy 6분
112. M12_Ch05_Read Aloud 5분
113. M12_Ch06_Class Demonstration - Read Aloud 13분
114. M12_Ch07_Shared Reading 3분
115. M12_Ch08_Class Demonstration - Shared Reading 22분
116. M12_Ch09_Write Aloud 3분
117. M12_Ch10_Class Demonstration - Write Aloud 5분
118. M12_Ch11_Guided Reading 4분
119. M12_Ch12_Interactive Shared Writing 4분
120. M12_Ch13_Class Demonstration - Shared Writing 7분
121. M12_Ch14_Independent Reading 5분
122. M12_Ch15_Guided Writing 3분
123. M12_Ch16_Independent Writing 4분
124. M13_Ch01_Elements of Reading 8분
125. M13_Ch02_Phonemic Awareness 4분
126. M13_Ch03_Phonics 5분
127. M13_Ch04_Fluency 6분
128. M13_Ch05_Vocabulary_1 7분
129. M13_Ch06_Vocabulary_2 3분
130. M13_Ch07_Comprehension: Reading Strategies 3분
131. M13_Ch08_Comprehension: Comprehension Skills 4분
132. M14_Ch01_Balanced Literacy 4분
133. M14_Ch02_Reading Process: Before Reading 4분
134. M14_Ch03_Reading Process: While Reading 2분
135. M14_Ch04_Reading Process: Post-Reading 2분
136. M14_Ch05_Class Demonstration - Post-Reading Activity 9분
137. M14_Ch06_Writing Process: Before Writing 2분
138. M14_Ch07_Writing Process: While Writing 4분
139. M14_Ch08_Writing Process: Post-Writing 1분
140. M14_Ch09_Balanced Literacy Lesson Plan 3분
141. M14_Ch10_Lesson Plan and the 5 Elements of Reading 6분
142. M14_Ch11_Lesson Plan for Literacy 6분
143. M14_Ch12_Shared Reading Lesson Plan 5분
144. M14_Ch13_Selecting Level-Appropriate Texts 9분
145. M15_Ch01_Meaning of Education_Service 2분
146. M15_Ch02_Cultural Experience Class - Easter and Halloween 7분
147. M15_Ch03_Cultural Experience Class - Thanksgiving Day and Christmas 4분
148. M15_Ch04_Open Classes and Observation Classes 3분
149. M15_Ch05_Student Exhibitions 3분
150. M15_Ch06_Student Performance and Presentations 4분
151. M16_Ch01_English Language Academies and Institutions 2분
152. M16_Ch02_Opening an English Academy (Part 1) 6분
153. M16_Ch03_Opening and English Academy (Part 2) 6분
154. M16_Ch04_Managing and Counseling New Students 5분
155. M16_Ch05_Managing and Counseling Student Withdrawals and Underachieving Students 4분
156. M16_Ch06_Managing and Counseling Parents 3분
157. M16_Ch07_Counseling Management Strategies (Part 1) 4분
158. M16_Ch08_Counseling Management Strategies (Part 2) 6분
159. M16_Ch09_Closing Remarks 1분